Shoot, then Ask Questions

Omni produces a weekend magazine type of tv program called "Home and Lifestyle tv." I would say about 80% of our featured guests of the show turn around after a successful airing, and ask the question, "can we use that footage to edit a commercial?" Or "can we use the footage for a video press package or b-roll usage?" well the answer is Abso-freaking-lutely! When we shoot a featured guest segment on our show, we often take the footage and build MANY video pieces such as Video On Demand to air on cable networks, tv commercials for cable and network tv, and customized long form videos used for in house use, business to business sales tools, as well as popular web streaming on YouTube, vimeo and facebook.

We use the saying often at omni: "shoot once, use everywhere." in fact, many of client referrals approach us saying we had them at "shoot once" because they have experienced the sticker shock of production companies or ad agencies charging full price for each and every little campaign element. And being that omni is a bit of an unusual animal to begin with - being a production company with enormous branding experience, seems to make the decision process easy for them.

An example scenario would be the fine city of Grapevine, Texas. We love wine, we love entertainment, we love shooting interesting topics in our DFW backyard. Therefore we feature upcoming events in grapevine, such as the nationally popular GrapeFest, Main street Days, Vintage Wine Trail, and the now trademarked "Christmas Capital of Texas" holiday attractions all over the city. We then take this acquired HD footage, and produce a VOD (video on demand) to be found on Time Warner Cable, commercials for directing viewers to the VOD, b-roll packages for new station editing and use, in-room viewing as well as attraction and event tv ads for ad efforts.

If your planning on being a guest on Home and Lifestyle TV, let the producers of the show know ahead of time so that omni can produce video content suitable for both entertainment and news-worthy styles. The value of a package such as this is at least 4 times the investment.

Related topics coming up: how to shoot an entertaining featured guest segment, and shooting still photography while shooting a tv segment for consistency.


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